Aikido bridge seminar, Amsterdam, 16.-18.4.2010

Expose yourself to art, and you'll come to appreciate it and aspire to make it.Člani kluba Dokiai smo se izpostavili vrhunskemu aikidu treh mojstrov: Christiana Tissiera, Hiroshija Ikede in Wilka Vriesmana. Udeležili smo se Aikido Bridge seminarja v Amsterdamu na Nizozemskem.
Expose yourself to fast food ads and you'll crave french fries.
Expose yourself to angry mobs of uninformed, easily manipulated protesters and you'll want to join a mob.
Expose yourself to anger and you might get angry too.
Expose yourself to people making smart decisions and you'll probably learn how to do it as well.
It's a choice if you want it to be.
(From a post from Seth Godin's Blog)
Uživali smo na tatamijih in izven njih. Družili smo se z aikidokami z Nizozemske, iz Nemčije, Francije, Belgije, Češke, Združenih Arabskih emiratov, Tunizije, Združenih držav Amerike, Slovenije in še od kod.
Temu primerno smo se predajali tudi kulinaričnim užitkom, ki jih nudi mesto kot je Amsterdam.